Monday, March 28, 2016

The Real Littlefoot (Attempt 1)

Lately, I've attempted to draw on a larger scale (see last post). Here is the first result:

This my first attempt at baby Apatosaurus, based on a mount at the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History. The eventual downfall of this piece were the front feet, which in the mount were in an odd, splayed position that I disagreed with. In attempting to fix them, however, I failed to convey that the animal's right foot was just above the ground and about to cut into it with a crescent-shaped foot, rather than the padded, elephant one erroneously given to sauropods in a lot of art. 

It was also difficult to convey that this was a young Apatosaurus, since the proportions aren't all that different from the adults' and because I worried about making the eyes too large (even for a baby animal, whose eyes are generally larger than those of their parents). Yet when I showed this draft to one of my non-dinosaur savvy friends, she believed it was a young because it looked like it was fearfully calling to another animal, a factor I hadn't considered in drawing this dinosaur.

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